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The Roman Candle Tv is getting closer to powering back up folks!

We are delighted to welcome Nick Harper back to Chester for our first show at St Mary's Creative Space in nearly two years! Saturday 18th September, doors 7.30PM.

Tickets £15 advance from See Tickets.

“Harper has so much musicianship in him that it just leaks out all over the place.” - The Times

This is very close to a sell out so be sure to snap up a ticket!

We will be taking precautions to ensure the safety of all attendees in line with the restrictions in place at the time of the event. Where possible, please ensure that a COVID-19 test has been taken before attending any event. If you feel unwell or are showing symptoms (new continuous cough, high temperature or loss of taste or smell) please stay at home. If you have any questions ahead of the event do not hesitate to contact us.


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